With around 200 million users sending out the same number of micro-blogs (approximately) every day, Twitter is certainly an effective channel for communication. However, this social networking site is not just for teenagers or celebrities tweeting about their daily activities. The power of Twitter as a marketing tool has been realized by many small business owners, who are using it to help their businesses grow. Considering that it costs very little to market a product on Twitter, small businesses should definitely use this tool for boosting their internet marketing activities.
Twitter can help grow your small business
Here are a few factors that
emphasize why Twitter is important for small businesses and how they can
benefit from it.
Build relationships
Once you have followers on Twitter, you should try to build a
positive relationship with them to grow your business. For this, you should
make an effort to post updates and tweets that your customers find interesting
and useful. Keep your direct marketing posts about a sale or promotion to a
minimum, as too many marketing ads can hamper your efforts of building a
positive image. Also, avoid sending out too many tweets in a particular span,
as such an activity could be considered as spam.
Connect to customers
Twitter has millions of users and more people are joining it
every day, which makes it one of the best places to look for potential
customers. Small businesses catering to a niche market or people from a certain
location can use Twitter to connect with them. Not just that, businesses can
also connect with their existing customers and interact with them to know more
about how the business or brand is being perceived in the market.
Marketing new products

Provide information
News travels faster online than it does through radio or TV. You
can use your Twitter account to make important announcements and share any news
that your customers ought to know. While a TV or radio announcement can do the
same job for you, Twitter is cheaper and the message will get carried to
millions of people in little time.
Survey and feedback
Twitter can be a great tool for interacting with customers and
market your goods. But it is an equally efficient tool for collecting customer
feedback and their opinions about your company’s products and services. All you
need to do is follow the conversations about your company products and you will
get your answers without even asking. If you have anything specific to learn,
you can do so by asking the customers directly or by conducting a poll through
your account.
Manage online reputation
Besides gaining customer feedback, you can also use Twitter to
learn and monitor what is being said about your products and company in
general. Many people use Twitter to communicate what they do and how they feel
about everything and anything. So there is every possibility that a
dissatisfied customer or a competitor could be using the micro-blogging site to
create negative publicity for your products. Keeping a tab on Twitter
conversations involving your brand can help you tackle such situations and
manage your online reputation in a professional manner.
Create brand awareness
Big brands need no introduction to get followers. But small
business owners, who want more people to know about their product line or
brand, should use Twitter to build their brand. People usually prefer to
interact with a person than with a logo, unless it is well-known. So, if you
own a small business that is still in its early stages, it is better to create
a personal profile first and then create a profile for your company. Once you
gain the trust of your followers, you could introduce them to your brand and
create a profile to create awareness about it.
Boost sales with special offers and discounts
Whether you are a big brand or a small company, free discount
coupon or freebie always attract more people. One of the best ways to tell your
customers about any special discounts and promotional offers being run by your
company is to post a tweet about it. Giving away coupon codes and special deals
to users following your profile can also be a great way to attract more
customers and build an online reputation for your brand.
Keep an eye on competition
Using tools like Twitter Search can be a great way not just to
track your reputation on Twitter, but also to keep a tab on your competitors’
activities and their reputation. Learning about your competitors can help you
plan your marketing strategies and also avoid mistakes that could affect your
Twitter can be viral
Once you gain popularity on Twitter, you will be able to enjoy
the benefit of your tweets going viral. A Twitter message can be retweeted any
number of times, which means any useful or interesting message you post can be
passed on to a number of Twitter users in very little time. This strategy when
applied to your marketing or promotional tweets can bring in great results.
Promote your company blog
If you have a company blog as a part of your SEO strategies, the
best way to promote it is through Twitter. If you feel that the information
provided in the blog would be appreciated by your followers, just tweet the
link to share the blog. This not only diverts traffic to your blog, but also
makes your message viral if your customers find the content useful.
The best part about Twitter is that it is free, which makes it
the ideal marketing solution for small businesses. In any case, care should
taken to make sure that you use this powerful tool in the right manner, to
avoid it from backfiring on your profits and also reputation.
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