Monday, 4 August 2014


You may have heard the old pop song "Breaking Up Is Hard To Do". Well, the song comes from a truth in life; there is much emotional stress from a relationship break-up. There are many causes for ending a partnership, some can be saved, and some cannot.

In this article we want to look at what to do if you are planning to break off a romance. You want to be certain this is what is best for the both of you, how to talk with your soon to be ex and how to leave on good terms.

Are you sure the break in your relationship is serious enough to completely break it off? Sometimes we let small little things build up until we just feel like we just don’t want to do this anymore, when all it takes is a little compromise from both parties to make a happy couple.

What makes you think this partnership should end? Is it a serious break in trust, or is it just the fact that you have grown so accustom to doing the same old thing that the spark has gone from the initial romance? We, as humans, tend to fall into routines without some reason for change. We have to supply that reason in our relationships or they get stale.

Stop running long enough to think about where in are in the relationship, how it all started and is it something you would enjoy if the present problem was not there? Then decide if a break-up is necessary or can this love relationship be saved. Sometimes we walk away from the best things in our life without realizing it.

If you decide to break it off then you need to plan for how you will do that. Unless there is some serious problem between the two of you, like abuse, then you may want to try to stay as friends. How you handle the words spoken between you during the break-up will make all the difference.

Plan out what you are going to say. Be able to clearly state why you want to split-up. Do not, under any circumstance, get into a shouting match, or make a personal attack on the other person. Stay calm and pick your words carefully.

Tell them that you want to reconsider the relationship and get some space to think about and why. Give them time to consider what you have said and respond. Then move forward depending on what their reaction is.

If you follow the above you should be in position to tell the other person you still like them, if you do, and that you still want to be friends. Leave the door open to reconsider the relationship. If you were very close those feelings may come back once the problems of the partnership are resolved.

If you want to completely sever the relationship and never see them again tell them why. It will be a help to them to recover from the break-up and to make adjustments for the next relationship the get into.

I wish you all the best with your life going forward. Breaking up is hard to do and can have a dramatic effect on your life. Follow the advice above and maybe your break-up will lead to a make-up.

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